Stop Worrying, Start Reading

Assalamu Alaikum.. Hello my dear friends, I'm sharing with you my take on the book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It is a brief nostalgia of my adventure with this non-fiction treatise. The title itself speaks of its honesty within its pages. Shortly, the book behaves like a memorandum of its owner's confessions. It contains a multitude of anecdotes, methods and protocols for helping us comprehend and tackle our worries in the best way possible.At the end of every chapter, we are provided with a set of simple questions for self-analysis, which helps us evaluate our own perceptions in handling our daily daymares. It's still funny, when every time I turn its pages to see my handwritten notes on petty problems faced during my college days. It's interesting and reaffirming, that my confidence and happiness has grown with every level of life's challenges. The book has made me become a better human and will continue to be…
For instance, when at first I found that even a tooth decay is a symptom of worry and anxiety, I started to feel the importance of living life to the fullest, and the nonsense of being constantly bothered by others. Carnegie excels in empowering us with the ideal of “being yourself”. I should admit that he won my intelligence, with the power of instilling Godliness through many time-tested true stories. If we need to build ourselves in a sane, worry-free, human-friendly society, we should have read this book a hundred times, I presume. I had encouraged each and everyone of my friends till today to have a copy of this magnum opus under their pillow to read and reflect every night. 
I'd equally insist you all my friends to have an exclusive copy of it for yourself.Every line and every page of it is valuable and treasurable enough. 
It's a guarantee on my side that you'll never put down this book and would preserve it for a lifetime. 
Wish you a happy reading!
Signing off,
With love,
Rasheeda Madani

Image Courtesy: Google


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